Bounce Back

About Bounce Back

Bounce Back gives local churches an effective, trusted way to help their members that allows them to serve like never before.

By partnering with us, you’ll be able to confidently provide aid in the most crucial moments, giving those in need the opportunity to bounce back to financial independence.

At Bounce Back, we are in the business of poverty prevention. We were founded by people who had experienced situations like these and who were kept afloat by their community.

Since then, we’ve assisted hundreds of families in the Church experiencing an unexpected financial crisis avoid falling into situational poverty and instead pursue economic stability.

What We Do

We help families and individuals navigate financial hardships by giving them the tools they need to bounce back. Our goal is to provide aid in times of difficulty through education, counseling, and specific monetary needs.

We aim to spread generosity – from the church serving its members to members going out and serving in their community.

Why We Do It

The loss of a job, a car accident, or other unexpected expenses can quickly lead to missed bills and increased stress and anxiety. All too easily, this can lead to situational poverty.

Everyone deserves an opportunity to get back on their feet. No one wants to experience hardship, but we hope that assistance will be given to us when we need it most.

At Bounce Back, we live by the philosophy that anyone can find their footing after an unforeseen hardship; they just need the tools, education, and money to help them get there. We stand in the gap, offering a hand up by empowering individuals and families to rise above their struggles.

Partnership and Benefits

Your church wants to serve your members when they experience a financial crisis and Bounce Back extends your reach. Together, we can help those who need it most by providing a hand up when life becomes overwhelming.

Partnering with Brightpoint gives you access to a network of trusted community organizations that can support your members as they move forward from difficult circumstances.

With this program, you can give as you feel called. There is no minimum (or maximum) gift amount to be a Partner, however, each partner is expected to donate to the program each calendar year. The donation can be made in any frequency that works best for the church.

By aligning with Bounce Back, you serve the members of your church in more profound ways. Your resources are expanded, and your time is spent wisely, allowing you to serve, study the Word, and continue teaching your members.