On Tuesday, April 1st, the Brightpoint website will be down while we transition to a new look! We appreciate your patience during this time as we make improvements.

2019 Annual Weatherization Program Bid Announcement

Brightpoint is accepting bids for work associated with the Indiana Weatherization Assistance Program. Brightpoint is a private not-for-profit social service agency that is a sub-grantee of federal DOE and LIHEAP grants for residential energy conservation programs for qualified low-income households. Contractors are needed to install cellulose, fiberglass and urethane insulation, to perform building envelope and air duct sealing, to repair and replace space and water heating equipment, to repair and install ductwork to forced air space heating systems, to install ventilation equipment, and to perform general health and safety measures on single family site-built and manufactured housing. A bid packet may be obtained by contacting Brightpoint by phone at 260-423-3546 extension 207 or by email at wxinbox@mybrightpoint.org with “Bid Packet” in the subject line and a mailing address in the body of the email. The deadline for requesting bid packets is 12:00 NOON EST, Wednesday, November 28, 2018.