On Tuesday, April 1st, the Brightpoint website will be down while we transition to a new look! We appreciate your patience during this time as we make improvements.

Brightpoint Energy Assistance Program Resumes

Brightpoint began accepting calls on October 17 to schedule appointments for energy assistance for all of its offices in Allen, DeKalb, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, and Whitley counties. Appointments are available for households that have received a disconnect notice or whose utilities are already disconnected. Those who are not currently up for disconnect, may complete the paper application and submit it for processing. Applications can be found on Brightpoint’s web site www.mybrightpoint.org.

The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps pay a portion of a household’s heating bills during the winter months. Last year, Brightpoint helped close to 8,000 families with their utility bills. Help is available for both renters and homeowners. Eligible households receive the benefit one time per heating season.

The program runs November 1, 2016 through May 15, 2017. Applicants must meet income levels:

  • One-person household – No more than $17,820 annually.
  • Two-person household – No more than $24,030 annually.
  • Three-person household – No more than $30,240 annually
  • Four-person household – No more than $36,450 annually
  • Add $6,240 for each additional family member.

At all locations, the following must be brought to the appointment and is mandatory to complete an application:

  • Proof of Income for previous 12 months (Current W-2’s for all household members, current paystubs, SS and/or SSDI award letters, unemployment income, Veterans benefits; pensions, etc.)
    • Household members 18 and older with no income must submit a Zero Income Verification form and the Indiana Workforce Development Release of Information form. Both are available on the Brightpoint website.
    • Household members 18 and older and in school must submit a school schedule.
  • Current utility bills for heat and electric. Utility bills must be in a household member’s name older than the age of 18.
  • If renting, completed Landlord Affidavit or copy of current, signed lease.
  • Completed application with your signature and date.
  • Social Security Number documentation for all household members older than the age of 1 that have a social security number. (Examples: Social Security card, federal form with full Social Security Number, pay stub with full Social Security Number, Social Security award letter. IRS 1040s cannot be used to verify Social Security Numbers.)
  • Photo IDs for all household members 18 and older.
  • Households claiming Veteran status must provide a DD-214 or Veteran’s Administration Identification card.

Those who need to make an appointment can do so by calling Brightpoint’s dedicated appointment line 24 hours a day at 1-800-589-2264 or 2-1-1.