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Brightpoint Enterprise Pointe Development Receives Tax Credits

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) recently announced 18 developments statewide that will receive over $170 million in housing tax credits. Brightpoint is pleased to be among the organizations receiving a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) for the Enterprise Pointe development.

The development site for Enterprise Pointe is located at 907 S. Wayne Street in Angola, Indiana. A new 50-unit, 2-bedroom apartment complex will be constructed with 10 units being ADA Type-A compliant. The target population for the apartments will be entrepreneurs and artists with low to moderate incomes.

Amenities will include: a laundry room; a community room with full kitchen; a fitness room with exercise equipment; a conference room; an open office; a soundproof room for music; gallery space in the lobby; a theater; and a production room with durable work surfaces and storage lockers. Outside there will be a pavilion with grills and a half basketball court.

Enterprise Pointe will be located on the Enterprise Center campus where residents will have access to equipment such as CNC machines, welding machines, computers, and a 3D printer. Classes will be held on-site to teach people how to use the machines. The Enterprise Center is a conglomerate of multiple agencies to promote business incubation, co-working, post-secondary vocational skills training and shared offices for allied organizations supporting the creation of high skilled, high wage employment opportunities which will lead to a more prosperous and stable local economy.

The Brightpoint Development Fund (BDF), a subsidiary of Brightpoint, will support the residents of Enterprise Pointe with business development services and entrepreneur technical assistance programs.

The Steuben County Economic Development Corp. owned the land and donated the property to the Enterprise Pointe project. Brightpoint will own the complex and co-develop the project with Keller Development. The City of Angola has committed to a 10-year 100% property tax abatement.