On Tuesday, April 1st, the Brightpoint website will be down while we transition to a new look! We appreciate your patience during this time as we make improvements.

Brightpoint partners with Community Foundation of Elkhart County to help more individuals and families gain access to health care

Community Foundation of Elkhart County awarded Brightpoint $17,500 in support for its third quarter grant cycle. The award will allow Brightpoint, through its Covering Kids and Families (CKF) program, to increase the number of people who can be served in Elkhart County.

Brightpoint’s CKF program employs licensed Indiana Navigators who provide free help to Hoosier families so they can understand and enroll in state and federal health insurance programs such as Medicaid, Hoosier Healthwise, Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women, the Healthy Indiana Plan and the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Brightpoint is honored to receive this gift and partner with Community Foundation of Elkhart County. Because of their generous support, Brightpoint will be able to help more individuals and families in the Elkhart community gain access to the medical care that they need through health insurance.

Those needing assistance with health insurance coverage are encouraged to visit Brightpoint’s website: www.mybrightpoint.org/ckf or call (800) 589-2264 to schedule an appointment.